Four Reasons Why the Pandemic Was Great for Some Med Spas and Why It Crushed Others

Written by Dan Basch

There was a paradox for med spas during the pandemic: On one hand, the society-wide lockdowns were devastating for businesses that were unfortunately were forced to close by state health departments due to concerns about illness transmission. Businesses that were deemed “non-essential”, such as med spas and aesthetic clinics were, for much of 2020 unable to continue serving the public and, as a result, found themselves in the midst of an unexpected dry spell in their income without any indication as to the day they could reopen. On the other hand, those providers who were able to engage with their core audiences throughout 2020 were able to offer future services at a discount today in order to take deposits which helped keep their operations running during this time of unprecedented economic freeze. Which type of marketing did your practice have? Did you have a rainy day fund saved up to pay for your fixed expenses? If not, it’s totally understandable because it was completely unexpected and unlike anything anyone had ever experienced.

Many small businesses do not have the safety cushion of a rainy day fund, and many had to rely on government programs such as the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which was established by the 2020 US Federal government Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act to help certain businesses, self-employed workers, sole proprietors, and other businesses continue paying their workers. Sounds gloomy, right? Now that the nation and the world is on the mend, there is new opportunity which, going forward, will have some med spa businesses booming while others are still trying to pick up the pieces!

Here are three reasons why the pandemic has been great for some med spas and why it crushed others:

1) Med Spas That Continued Advertising Throughout The Pandemic Greatly Increased Customer Engagement While Those Which Did Not Do So Lost Commitment

This economy-slamming illness had a ripple effect in marketing agencies due to those hard-hit med spas pausing their paid advertising. As a result, an amazing thing happened that we may never see again: online advertising costs fell dramatically while at the same time engagement in social media skyrocketed due to huge numbers of Americans and others worldwide who were forced to stay home glued to their smart phones. This imposed isolation was initially slated to be “15 days to slow the spread” where people stayed home to “flatten the curve” of the viral pandemic but it soon became a year of uncertainty for many, including aesthetic practice business owners and practitioners.

Thus, one of the great ironies of the 2020 pandemic became clear: at the same time that there was more engagement in social media than ever, the cost of digital advertising fell to a low not seen since 2016! Digital marketing agencies were left with a conundrum that was difficult to sell to their existing customers who paused their marketing accounts:

“Yes, you’ve paused your advertising, but if you advertise now you’ll be getting to do so at rock bottom prices. Why would you want to advertise? Because customer engagement is the highest it’s been with everyone being at home and getting your company’s name and services out there even if to say ‘We’re still here and we’re looking forward to seeing you when we are able’, has never been better. Plus it offers a great opportunity to pre-sell clients on discounted packages to get those deposits in the bank so at least you have some cash coming in for fixed expenses.”

That’s a tough situation to be in and many advertising agencies had to pivot to avoid being taken out of the advertising game altogether! Also, marketing agencies for those small businesses that were used to producing creatives had to get creative themselves in order to weather this virus induced economic tempest. Their ability to pivot and be agile made all the difference between those companies who stayed afloat and those who fell by the wayside. It just goes to show that come rain or shine, you want to be with a marketing agency that can help your practice weather economic storms and bring in lots of clients when the sun is shining once again!

2) The Pandemic Created A Vast Backlog Of Highly Motivated Med Spa Customers

Another outcome of the pandemic was enough customers to fill an entire med spa’s database were unable to get their needs met, thus creating a backlog of clients waiting for their opportunity to get their treatments. Of course, due to social distancing and other necessary requirements unique to the pandemic, customers only wanted to safely visit a practice that has a sanitary environment which means the mandatory use of face masks and sanitizing contact surfaces between patients, among other precautions. This necessarily causes more time between patients and produces a bottleneck which limits the number of customers who can visit a practice.

This backlog of med spa customers is unique and has no precedent in recent memory! As patients come back from their imposed isolation, many will be interested in the best price they can find. Because of the economic damage done by the harsh measures taken by state governments around the country, people are more financially concerned and thus are more interested in a great deal on their services, such as Botox Cosmetic. Today, this is especially the case for two reasons: the first is that because Botox Cosmetic is a luxury, customers are more willing to look for a deal. Also, because Botox as a cosmetic treatment is fairly commoditized, prospects today have several options to get their service in a given geographical area in most cities and suburbs.

Therein lies a rare opportunity indeed! The ability to capitalize on this backlog and give these prospects a highly enticing offer which will allow them to get their med spa services from a provider other than their preferred, or give it a try if they’re new to the experience. All it takes is a great offer followed by a pleasant experience in a comfortable and caring environment with a med spa specialist who is considerate and compassionate, and that practice can gain a customer for life! This begs the question: how is your marketing positioned? Are you set to capitalize by taking market share from your competitors or have them swipe your customers? Neutron Agency LLC is set to pack your schedule with interested buyers ready to get their Botox services from you and, with our services, can help you capitalize on any market condition.

3) The New Work-From-Home Paradigm Has People Seeing How Others See Them

Taking an online meeting on a digital platform such as Zoom, Google Meet, Go To Meeting or Facebook Live, among many others, can be like looking into the digital mirror for the first time… and feeling like everyone there is staring at you and seeing all of your flaws! Has there ever been a time where so many people from all over the globe are able to see your face up close in 1080P and 4K high definition? These days of cameras being so crystal clear in capturing one’s video image has customers reassessing their life choices about whether to get Botox Cosmetic. And for many the answer is a resounding YES!

If there’s ever been a time when your ideal target demographic is more concerned about their appearance online, it’s now. Since Botox is about as close as anyone can get to a magic wand to get rid of prominent lines on their foreheads, crow’s feet and 11 lines, many people who were on the fence are now deciding that this is the ideal time to make it happen. And once that decision is made and these new customers will be very savvy when it comes to searching for just the right deal. Make sure your services are at the right price point to get the most clients to come to your practice to receive your services! Neutron agency LLC specializes in getting you more customers to help ensure the future success of your practice.

4) The Stresses Of The Pandemic Are Really Starting To Show!

The pandemic created a time where society went into what some could call a society-wide prison as up until then, the term “lockdown” had only been used in penitentiaries! Job insecurity, inability to see loved ones in person, not being able to even have a dine-in meal at your favorite restaurant or see a movie in the theater have all been very stressful on everyone! That stress is showing on the faces of people who didn’t have any history of forehead wrinkles or crow’s feet. Once again, your med spa services to the rescue!

In an incredible silver lining to this dark cloud, the recent stress of life in the pandemic has inadvertently created a new source of future customers for your med spa! Do you have a marketing strategy to capture this new source of clients or are you going to rely on the same old business practices you’ve always known? This requires a marketing agency that is nimble and able to pick up on the changing nuances of the med spa niche. Neutron Agency LLC is where your business needs to be before you even know of a new sources of potential clients.

Putting It All Together

The pandemic has been a life stressor unlike any seen in the past century and, as a result, has decimated some med spas which were unprepared. On the other hand, those aesthetic specialists who were able to pivot to ensure they were able to take deposits during the worst times of 2020 were able to generate enough cash flow to keep their fixed expenses at bay. Others took advantage of government programs, such as the PPP to stay afloat.

Either way, it’s always darkest before the dawn and, as society begins to return to normal (or perhaps a new normal), med spas can either thrive with a bevy of new customers or fall by the wayside as their customers go elsewhere. Opportunity abounds for those who can market to the right audience with precision to ensure a steady flow of future customers and with the help of a med spa marketing specialist such as Neutron Agency LLC, you’ll be prepared for whatever life throws your way!

Dan Basch helps med spas get 20-50 NEW customers per month. He is an expert at helping med spas get clients using highly effective online marketing techniques and making things super simple to understand. If you're interested in learning how Dan can help you grow your med spa then click the button below.

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